What are the shipping options and estimated delivery?
All items will be delivered to you by our dedicated team of drivers, within the next 1-2 working days upon order confirmation.
What if my orders are not in order?
Upon receipt of items, please ensure that items purchased matches the description on the invoice. If there are any discrepancies in your orders, please reach out to our sales team via Whatsapp +65 8263 5051.
Do we support international shipping?
Yes, we can support international shipping for all orders. However, there would be additional cost for air/sea freight to your country which has to be arranged. Please whatsapp our sales team +65 8263 5051 to enquire.
I require an item that is not listed on the platform, do you have it?
We carry a wide range of products and automotive parts for your vehicle. The products on our platform are not exhaustive, hence do reach out to us via whatsapp +65 8263 5051 to understand more and enquire on specific products you require.
Can I self collect items from your warehouse?
Yes, self-collection can be arranged at our warehouse upon payment confirmation. However, do reach out to us prior to coming down. Our personnel will advise on the collection schedule.
Are parts interchangeable?
Yes, some parts are interchangeable. For instance, Hyundai and Kia shares the same parts while Nissan and Renault shares the same, hence sometimes the packaging are inter-related.
Are there warranty for parts purchased?
We provide guarantee for all parts purchased to be genuine, and if items are deemed faulty upon installation, we will handle it on a case by case basis.